We mere mortals may not possess wizardry skills, but we can certainly recognize magic when we see it. The Harry Potter film adaptations dazzled us, yet some on-screen portrayals fell short of our imaginations. Thankfully, AI artists have taken matters into their own hands by creating surprising and imaginative renditions of beloved characters based on literary descriptions. Prepare to journey back to the enchanting world of Hogwarts as you’ve never envisioned! Soon you’ll meet The Boy Who Lived and his friends through an expansive artistic multiverse celebrating creative AI-interpretations. From Hogwarts students as ballerinas and bodybuilders to genderbent and ethnically diverse versions, this collection of wizarding wonder finally aligns with fantastical possibilities. Get ready to have your Harry Potter mindset creatively exploded!

The “Real” Harry Potter

Now, AI has recreated the boy who lived. Does he live up to your expectations? Many devoted fans of the series lamented that the actor who portrayed Harry had blue eyes, neglecting his most defining physical trait. Even special effects failed to rectify this blunder. But fear not, we can now marvel at a portrait.

We see vibrant green eyes, precisely as the books intended. He was meant to be small and scrawny for his age, with unkempt hair and a gaunt face. This portrait finally got it right!

Hermione Granger

Hermione was meant to have a bushy mane of hair. She wasn’t much of a girly girl, either. Emma Watson proved to be too good-looking for the part, according to many fans. The studio did fluff up her tresses, but alas, authenticity was missing. Her appearance was not improved!

During the first three books, Hermione sported an extraordinary set of teeth that, some would argue, detracted from her beauty. But in the fourth book, she finally managed to shrink them down to size.

Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley had his family’s pale skin, a sprinkling of freckles, and red hair. He had a long nose, blue eyes, and a tall, lanky build, with big hands and feet that sometimes seemed to have a mind of their own. This AI image differs significantly from the movie portrayal. It’s more accurate!

Ron’s physical traits differed from those of his twin brothers Fred and George, who had a more stocky build. Instead, Ron’s stature was similar to his older brothers Bill and Percy.

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy seemed destined from birth to follow his Death Eater parents. Though he was given every advantage in life, Draco chose to embrace the dark side. Here, we see the real Draco via technology. Draco was a slender boy with cold grey eyes, sharp features, and almost white-blond hair.

The movies may have toned down his sinister appearance, but AI captures his true essence. With a face that seems almost demonic, he embodies the very image of evil.

Ginny Weasley

From the outset, Ginny Weasley possessed an unshakable moral compass and spoke her mind with unapologetic conviction. As she blossomed into a striking young lady, many boys found themselves captivated by her alluring beauty. Here, Ginny is in 3D. Is it any wonder that Harry eventually succumbed to her charms?

We see her fiery red hair and freckles were a sight to behold, while her luminous brown eyes mirrored those of her beloved mother. Whenever she blushed, her cheeks flushed, too.

Neville Longbottom

Neville Longbottom was the underdog who defied all odds. At the dawn of the series, he was a humble lad, short in stature and plump in form, with buck teeth to boot. Despite these perceived shortcomings, Neville proved himself with courage. This artificial intelligence portrait is a realistic version of Neville.

More true to life, this computer-generated marvel captures his essence, with his friendly visage and earnest gaze. In the movie, he looked less friendly. Be honest: Which do you prefer?

Cho Chang

Harry’s heart was captured by the lovely Cho Chang. Can you blame him? They shared a passion for Quidditch, but it was her lustrous, obsidian tresses that surely stole the show. J.K. Rowling wrote about Cho as a captivating beauty who had everyone clamoring for her attention within the walls of Hogwarts.

Come see Cho here and decide for yourself. Her spellbinding aura drew the likes of Cedric Diggory, Michael Corner, and Roger Davis. Harry had real competition!

Vernon Dursley

Harry’s childhood was made miserable by his uncle, Vernon Dursley. He was an angry, imposing man who would often turn red with fury. His face would contort into a frightening expression that could go from grey to red to green in seconds. This AI-generated image of Vernon captures his bulky frame and signature mustache.

It truly conves the unpleasantness of his character. It’s hard to imagine him approving of anything related to magic, let alone AI technology. But who cares what he thinks, right?

Petunia Dursley

Petunia Dursley, Harry’s nasty aunt, had always been envious of her sister’s magical talents. Her character was lacking, not just her ability to cast spells. Despite taking in Harry, her bitterness towards her sister’s legacy never subsided. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, with a long face and teeth resembling that of a horse.

But that’s not the worst part at all. Her most notable feature, however, was her abnormally long neck, nearly twice the size of an average person’s. Yikes, we say!

Dudley Dursley

In the case of young Dudley Dursley, it is clear that he was never one to embrace the virtues of fairness and kindess. Rather, he reveled in his privileged position over Harry. He also looked nothing like his cousin. Initially, he was described as a pudgy child, his form round and soft. 

But as time passed, he shed some of his baby fat and grew into a hulking, muscular young man. In this rendering, we see Dudley caught in the midst of this transformation.

Cedric Diggory

It seems that witches have a soft spot for jocks just like Muggles do, and Cedric Diggory was no exception. As a star Quidditch player, he had a chiseled and handsome appearance, with dark hair and grey eyes that could make any girl swoon. This sixth-year dreamboat was talented, too.

As we now know, his fate didn’t end well. But this AI version gives us a glimpse of what he may have looked like in real life. Did he match up to your expectations?

Sirius Black, Seriously

The artist behind this project has a clear favorite — the one and only Sirius Black, Harry’s beloved godfather. While the movie may have cast a rugged actor, this project has now breathed new A.I. life into Sirius. Looking into his brooding eyes here, we are bewitched! 

Msbananaanna explained: “Artbreeder can be pretty limiting…not all of the characters came out as I wanted, but I thought Sirius came out as I imagined him! Dark and regally handsome.”

Luna Lovegood

Ah, Luna Lovegood, the whimsical and eccentric girl who captured our hearts with her offbeat personality! As described by J.K. Rowling, she had waist-length, straggly, dirty blonde hair, pale eyebrows, and eyes that protruded slightly, giving her a perpetually surprised expression. Thanks to the marvels of artificial intelligence, we can see Luna’s unique features.

While the portrait may not capture her odd fashion sense or the peculiar habit of keeping her wand behind her ear, it’s still an excellent starting point.

Bill Weasley

Bill Weasley, the eldest of the Weasley siblings, was a true wizarding heartthrob. With his fiery red ponytail and rugged, rockstar style, it’s no wonder Fleur Delacour was smitten. His signature earring, adorned with a fang, added to his charismatic charm. We think this version of Bill is a bit too think and nerdy.

AI’s interpretation may have missed the mark this time, resulting in a less-than-accurate portrayal. It’s not our favorite of the batch. Perhaps there’s a glitch in the magic, once in a while!

Fleur Delacour Glow Up

Fleur Delacour was the enchanting French witch from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Her elegance and breathtaking beauty were enough to halt the room’s air supply. The enchanting damsel captivated the hearts of wise wizards. Standing tall and willowy, her presence alone emits a faint, silvery glow — truly captivating!

Her breathtaking beauty is simply undeniable. And she had an irresistible accent, too! We are curious: Did she turn out to be as bewitching as you had imagined her to be?

Daddy James Potter

James Potter, Harry’s father, was sadly absent from his life. However, the book provides some insight into his appearance. He was tall and thin, with messy hair and hazel eyes. Like Harry, he wore glasses and had a thin face with prominent eyebrows. This AI-generated image of James bears a striking resemblance to Harry.

As the book mentioned, James had a longer nose than his son, which Harry likely inherited from Lily, along with her eye color. It’s fascinating to see dear old dad, way back when!

Momma Lily Potter

As an orphan, Harry Potter’s only knowledge of his mother was through stories. Although he theoretically saw her face as a baby, he couldn’t recall those early years, which was quite poignant. Lily was a beautiful woman, and it’s evident that Harry inherited her captivating green eyes, a rare trait.

Here is a glimpse of Lily before the tragic incident. Unfortunately, she was unable to live a long life and grow old, but with the advancement of artificial intelligence, we can see that alternative reality.

Severus Snape, Still Sinister

Here, we see a fascinating resemblance between A.I. Snape and the actor in the movie. The literary depiction portrays him as skinny, with a sizeable and hooked nose. His skin and teeth bear a tint of yellow, and his hair is jet-black and greasy. Alas, that isn’t popular in the magical world at all.

Handsome he was not, nor friendly in the slightest. But ’tis no surprise, for he once pledged allegiance as a death eater. This portrait reveals the darkness in his soul.

The Weasley Twins

Ah, Fred and George Weasley, the mischievous twins who captured the hearts of fans around the world. They were a unique and inseparable duo: In the world of twins, they truly deserve their own category, as they were more than just fraternal or identical. Their flaming red hair was a hallmark of their appearance.

And while they had bigger noses than some of their siblings, it was clear that they took after their mother, Molly. Their stocky build set them apart from their lanky brothers. This looks about right!

Viktor Krum

Viktor Krum was a skilled Quidditch player who traveled all the way from Bulgaria to compete at Hogwarts. But it was not just his athletic prowess that drew attention. No, it was his striking appearance that set him apart from the other students with his thin, sallow-skinned frame, large curved nose, and thick black eyebrows.

Viktor resembled an overgrown bird of prey. Yet, despite his intimidating exterior, there was a softness to Viktor that was revealed in his romance with Hermione. What a softie!

Pansy Parkinson

Pansy Parkinson had pug-like features. Her upturned nose and small eyes give her a perpetually snobbish expression. It’s no wonder she was a perfect fit for Slytherin House. We didn’t like her, and she didn’t like us. Looks can be deceiving, and it’s what’s on the inside that truly matters.

But when it came to the members of death eater families, it seems that J.K. always describes them as unappealing both inside and out. A.I. really got this one right!

Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin was the cherished confidant of James and Lily Potter. They knew his secret, too: As a young boy, Remus was viciously bitten by a werewolf. This left him with an irregular schedule that followed the patterns of the lunar cycle. The computer has captured a hint of his weariness, right here.

A.I. did a nice job with the finer details. His striking gaze, enigmatic presence, and rugged scruff are here, too. We feel like he was up all night. We’re tired just looking at him!

Nymphadora Tonks

Meet Tonks — the half-blooded, metamorphmagus auror who daringly embarked on a covert mission to save the world. Known for her quirky pink hair, this wiz was a force to be reckoned with. Her fearless spirit can be seen in her eyes. A.I. replicates that magic, again and again. 

While it may not be actual magic, it’s the closest thing muggles have ever come to experiencing the genuine enchantment of the wizarding world. And it’s only getting better!

Charlie Weasley

Now, have a glimpse of the charismatic Charlie from the Weasley clan. As a ginger-haired lad with adorable freckles, he stood out as the captain of the Quidditch team and fought valiantly in the Second Wizarding War. Here, we see his fiery red hair and a weathered face adorned with freckles.

This reflects his toil outdoors with dragon duties in Romania. On his body, he bears a few burns as souvenirs. But we can’t see them now!

Lucius Malfoy

Lucius Malfoy was the cunning and cruel patriarch of the Malfoy family and a deatheater, back in the day. His time spent in Azkaban with the dementors had a significant impact on his appearance, as described in the books. In this stunning portrait, we can see his cold blue eyes, pale skin, and white hair.

His skin was said to be yellow and waxy, and his eyes sunken in, a result of his time spent rotting away in jail. Frightening stuff!

Narcissa Malfoy

This AI-generated depiction of Malfoy’s mother is chillingly accurate. The matriarch of this Death Eater dynasty emanates an aura of madness, with her cold and vacant gaze. One cannot help but shudder at the sight of her here. In the book, Narcissa was a striking figure with her elegant height, blonde locks, and svelte frame.

However, her beauty was dampened by her bad vibes. Her expression seemed to convey a foul odor lurking beneath her nose. A.I. perfectly captured that here!

Gilderoy Lockhart

Here, we see the dashing and debonair Gilderoy Lockhart. Not only was he a professor, but he also enjoyed celebrity status. With wavy blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and a dazzlingly white smile, he was a dream. AI lets us see his striking features as if he were standing before us in the flesh.

Despite his outward appearance, Gilderoy Lockhart was nothing but a cowardly and fraudulent impostor who relied on his looks to get ahead. Sad, but true!

Professor Minerva McGonagall

Professor Minerva McGonagall was known to be strict and stern, but also incredibly knowledgeable and respected by her students. In transfiguration class, she was often seen as tall and imposing, with dark hair and glasses. A.I. got that right, as you can see. But it’s even more complex!

When she was angry, her thin mouth would become even thinner, and she always carried a serious expression. This AI-generated image seems to capture her character quite well, without the need for any magical transformation.

Argus Filch

Meet Argus Filch, a caretaker who had the unique trait of being a Squib in the magical world. With an unyielding dedication to enforcing the school’s rules, he wandered around tirelessly despite not being able to perform magic. This is the enigmatic Argus as per the AI software.

His intense gaze is intimidating. Time has etched its signature on his seasoned face, too. He is, after all, more than a generation ahead of his students. Overall, a fair image!

Dolores Umbridge

Dolores Umbridge, the sadistic magic professor, was infamous for her cruel actions. In addition to her ugly personality, her appearance was described as a “large, pale toad” in the book. Using details from the story, artificial intelligence has generated one version of the character, capturing her essence in this image.

We are positively frightened from behind our screens. Her strange, high-pitched voice echoes in our minds, reminding us of the terrible things she did to Harry and his friends.

Strange Bellatrix Lestrange

Deatheater Bellatrix Lestrange possessed a unique allure. Even though her bad acts cannot be ignored, her remarkable voice and her striking appearance deserve a mention. With her luscious dark locks, enchanting long lashes and heavily hooded eyes, she was a sight to behold. Here is an AI-crafted rendition of Bellatrix!

The likeness to the description is striking, indeed. But what truly sets her apart is the menacing, wicked gaze in her eyes. Marvel at the precision of the machine!

Peter Pettigrew

And now, the treacherous Peter Pettigrew, a man who betrayed his friends and caused much harm throughout the story. Though he spent much of his time as a rat, the artificial intelligence rendering presented here captures his true form as described by J.K. Rowling. This is a fitting image, indeed.

He has thin, colorless hair that looked unkempt and a bald patch on the top of his head. His skin looked grubby and his small, watery eyes betrayed a sense of cunning and deceit.

Merope Little, Lord Voldemort’s Mom

Here, we see Merope Riddle, a witch whose life was plagued by tragedy and hardship. Born into an abusive home, Merope endured great suffering throughout her life, and her ultimate fate was to die shortly after giving birth to the infamous Lord Voldemort. In the magical memory that Harry witnessed, we got more information.

Merope’s appearance was described as plain and unremarkable, with lank, dull hair and a pale, heavy face. Her sad eyes were said to stare in opposite directions, giving her a somewhat unsettling appearance. Here, we see her pain.

Tom Riddle

Brace yourself, muggle: Have you been curious about Voldemort’s childhood appearance? Good news — or maybe bad news — is here with the help of artificial intelligence. Behold the spine-chilling face of young Tom Riddle, more haunting than ever before. This image reveals a young man fated to commit unspeakable acts.

That includes the heinous slaughter of Harry Potter’s loving parents. Though it may be difficult to say the future of a teenager, this evidence leaves little doubt of his inevitable descent into darkness. 

Lord Voldemort

After being resurrected, Voldemort’s appearance was more horrifying than ever. As he emerged from the cauldron, he appeared thinner than before, with skin whiter than a skull, and his eyes were wide and livid scarlet, giving off an intense and malicious aura. He was more frightening than anything the wizarding world had ever seen.

This AI-generated version captures more of the terrifying essence of Voldemort’s appearance. His nose is flat like a snake’s, with slits for nostrils, and his bald head only adds to the demon-like image he projected.

The Boy Who Lifts: Harry Potter Characters as Bodybuilders

Forget the boy who lived; meet the man who lifts! In an AI twist, Harry Potter ditches his wand for weights, transforming into a muscle-bound strongman. Thick necks, bulging veins, and an aura of power redefine our hero.

No more chasing horcruxes; it’s all about chasing gains now. This Harry Potter makes you wonder if there’s a secret gym in Hogwarts. Magic potions for muscle growth? Looks like Harry’s been brewing some seriously strong stuff.

Hagrid’s Hulk Moment in the Great Hall

Hagrid takes center stage in the Great Hall, not for a feast, but for an epic display of strength. The Hogwarts gamekeeper transforms into a bodybuilder, squatting with weights that look enchanted for their sheer size.

This image shatters his gentle giant persona. Here, Hagrid embodies raw power and determination, turning the Great Hall into his personal gym. It’s a sight that mixes magic with muscle in a way only Hogwarts could.

Hermione Granger: The Brainy Brawn

Hermione Granger breaks the mold, not with spells, but with sheer physical strength. Gone is the bushy-haired bookworm; in her place stands a formidable bodybuilder.

This twist redefines bravery and brilliance. Hermione proves that strength comes in many forms, championing both mental and physical prowess. Who says you can’t have brains and brawn?

Ron Weasley: The Buff Brother

Ron Weasley takes a bold leap from the chessboard to the weight room, showcasing a bodybuilder’s physique that’s as surprising as it is impressive. His transformation adds a new layer to the Weasley charm.

Gone are the days of being overshadowed by his siblings; this Ron stands out with muscles to spare. It’s a delightful twist that combines the world of magic with the grit of the gym.

Tiny Dobby Packs a Punch

Dobby, once a symbol of servitude, now stands tall and muscular, embodying strength and freedom. This unexpected version of the beloved house-elf turns him into a symbol of power.

His muscular build challenges our perceptions, blending the lines between magical beings and their capabilities. Dobby’s transformation is a testament to breaking free and achieving the unimaginable.

Dumbledore: Strength Beyond Wisdom

Dumbledore’s image as a wise wizard takes a surprising turn as he showcases a bodybuilder’s build. This blend of physical power and profound wisdom offers a new perspective on the beloved headmaster.

With every muscle, Dumbledore redefines what it means to be strong, proving that age is but a number when it comes to fitness. His physique adds an interesting layer to his character, merging strength with magic in a way only Dumbledore could.

When Good Wizards Go Bad

In this scenario, Harry and Ron fell in with dodgy crowds, their famous scar and red hair now buried under avant-garde tattoos and chunky gold chains. Their sneers and jewelry suggest prominence in an underworld organization dealing wands and forbidden curses.

We can only speculate what shady double-dealings occupy their days beyond the lens…but at least having a powerful chosen one on your crew helps secure the streets. Though they washed out of Hogwarts, their talents clearly didn’t go to waste!

The Quirky Hogwarts Express – Imagining If Wes Anderson Directed the Films

Prepare for meticulously arranged color palettes and deadpan whimsy if Wes Anderson directed Harry’s cinematic journey! Symmetrical magic shows heart alongside high composition.

In this reimagining, Dumbledore peers through comically oversized glasses matching the marigold shirt beneath his pink suit, contrasting Harry’s outrageously orange overcoat. Somehow such precise presentation suits the eccentric wizarding world!

Hermione Goes for Kitschy Confection

Bookworm Hermione window shops stoically in a candy store saturated with every pastel shade, echoing Anderson’s affinity for handcrafted sets with custom details emphasizing visual storytelling over realism.

Meanwhile, goofy ginger Ron polishes his wand in a room bursting emerald, surrounded by dozens of ginger tabby taxidermies in assorted frozen poses. Apparently in this filmic reinterpretation, every character and setting must perk peculiarly!

He Who Must Be Color-Coordinated

Facing floaty serpentine friend Nagini, this Voldemort channels vampiric villainy through vibrant monochromatic magenta suits – because even Dark Lords require balance and binding colors.

And Severus Snape? He’s fabulously floral! Encircled by abundant blooms and twinkling lights, Snape peers pensively, projecting world-weary poet more than Hogwarts outcast.

Hogwarts Pre-K of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Can bookish Hermione possibly get any cuter? As a bright-eyed baby clutching crayons, her studious spirit overflows the crib, hinting this prodigy entered academia early!

Meanwhile mischievous Ron gazes innocently despite his known reputation for chaos! Apparently ginger troublemakers start young around the Weasley household!

Itty Bitty Bitter Enemies

Uh oh, looks like somebody missed naptime! Boy wizard Draco seems seriously cranky about something – maybe he needs a diaper change or calming cuddle. Even the tiniest sorcerers get grumpy when breakfast runs late.

And Rubeus Hagrid? No fierce beards yet for this gentle half-giant babe bumbling about! Even characters destined for greatness or evil begin blamelessly blank, their roles still unwritten…

Wise Beyond Their Years

Check out wee Albus Dumbledore with a silvery beard already sprouting. Talk about expressive hair follicles! This tot set the record for fastest facial fur, his prodigious whiskers hinting at precocious magical potential budding beneath the blankets.

Though merely an infant, little Minerva McGonagall already exhibits the serious steadfastness generations of future Hogwarts students will find wonderfully familiar. Check out this observant young sage taking in magic moments with eyes far too knowledgeable for someone barely saying their first spell!

Defense Against the Dark Arts…and Crafts

Aw, just a wee Lord Voldemort. Yes, He Who Shall Not Be Named sucked thumbs too! This sweet innocent Dark Lord candidate gurgles happily despite destined megalomania.

At least kind Harry here demonstrates goodness emerging early. If only nurture could protect all younglings from traumatic turns toward malice and tyranny!

If Harry Potter was a 1930’s Detective Novel

Dame Fortune hasn’t smiled on Harry lately. Downing firewhisky nightly while grimy city rain drizzles down the window pain, this regret-ridden private eye drowns out a crooked past. 

His next case promises more shadows than clues. The only certainties? Danger at every turn and figures fading like smoke before justice gets served.

Hermione Holmes Reporting for Duty

With feline familiars and filing cabinets galore, this ingenious inspector ensures even the slipperiest perps face her ensemble of elite sleuthing skills. What Hermione lacks in intimidating appearance she makes up for in intellect, insight and integrity.

While others get distracted, Ms. Holmes focuses on the details accurately assembling clues into conclusions leading to captures. She remains the Auror Office’s top analyst for good reason. No Death Eater escapes her forensic attention twice.

Just One More Firewhiskey, Barkeep

Drowning evidence anxiety in drink, this bedraggled P.I. Ron Weasley models the hardboiled mantra “tough times call for tough guzzling”.

If he’s not inhaling shots between puffs of cigarettes at the Hog’s Head, Ron’s paying off debts and informants before debts get paid on him. Sure it’s squalor, but at least the liquor lubricates hazy recollections. This gin-soaked life leaves marks…but this dogged cog stays cranking.

Wizarding Wasteland Warriors: Harry Potter Meets Mad Max

In this harsh outback where only the fiercest endure, we discover Marauder Potter scouring Fury Road’s rusty remnants for precious drops of nitro potion to fuel his battle-weary crew. Leathers layered against scorching suns, no longer saving worlds – just scraping by raids.

With grease-smudged grit matching her steely gaze, lead gearhead Hermione fine-tunes high octane engines for damage-dealing. Though her mind once honed magic, now manual machining occupies thoughts and tar-stained hands. Out here only horsepower determines fate above or below red sands.

Dystopian Dumbledore Rides Again with Baddie Bella Hot on the Tailpipe

His former flowing robes now dirtied rags flapping from ingenious bodged vehicles, this irradiated elder crusader Dumbledore sports makeshift armor against endless toxicity. Still twinkles glint his eyes…only it’s malice rather than mirth burning through the grime towards wasteland domination.

His former flowing robes now dirtied rags flapping from ingenious bodged vehicles, this irradiated elder crusader Dumbledore sports makeshift armor against endless toxicity. Still twinkles glint his eyes…only it’s malice rather than mirth burning through the grime towards wasteland domination.

Mischief Managed on Monster Trucks

Here the infamous Weasley twins became Conan-esque warboys, their flaming heads now literal as they roar into battle atop menacing machinery against Decepticon-esque Death Eaters.

Seeking endless expansion across the hellish outback, fiery fiend Voldemort commands cultish legions. His Dark Mark brands all vehicles; his name brings only whispered dread and demolished dreams. None evade his nitro-loaded wrath forever.

Junkyard Groundskeeper and a Magic Marauder

Roaming rusty wastelands supplying scattered settlers, cyberpunk Hagrid knows his heaping steampunk sandcrawler means more mobility, trade and community connectivity across the fractured flatlands. This grizzled giant brings life through knickknacks bartered.

Ever the nervous turncoat in this lawless realm, this fighter-for-the-winning-side Pettigrew slinks behind sinister masks and cobwebbed cranium coverings evading former friendships. Perhaps some skins we never shed, no matter the external threats. True loyalties and betrayers endure despite dystopias.

Hermione’s Hidden Hobbies

In this surprising snapshot, bookish Hermione poses most inappropriately in Hogwarts hallowed halls, clad in rather mysterious attire.  While her new nocturnal profession raising eyebrows remains undisclosed, sly smirks suggest this brightest witch earns Outstanding grades in subtler arts behind closed doors!

Perhaps authority figures should investigate certain dungeon delights after dark? Either way, we admit being scandalously intrigued by whatever business inspired this after-hours exhibitionist display!

Draco Departs from Decorum

Usually polished Draco Malfoy appears down on his luck here, reduced to shabby robes and seedy street performances. Though his top hat suggests magician aspirations, glimpses of nude legs hint at seamier persuasions.

Let’s just say this once-esteemed sorcerer likely no longer focuses solely on sleight of hand tricks…but rather trades on more intimate tricks of an ancient underworld trade to get by. How sadly the mighty can fall in lean times!

Harry Houdini Hits Las Vegas

In an alternate life, the famous Harry Potter becomes a Vegas illusionist! Nightly vanishing landmarks between death-defying stunts, this reimagined boy who lived channels glitz, glamor and showmanship.

The icon has no trouble attracting hungry spectators as the Strip’s hottest headliner. Clearly his magician talents translate splendidly from wizard to Muggle realms when tended properly! But will the lure of fame and fortune corrupt in this timeline too?

The Karate Kid Who Lived

Prepare to meet chosen one Harry Potter as a martial arts master, defeating dark lords with legendary flying kicks instead of expelliarmus spells! When not training intensely atop tall peaks, this agile acrobatic sage battles Death Eaters invading his mystical monastery.

Though facing fiendish foes, his ancient temple remains impenetrable thanks to wushu warrior wisdom passed down through generations. Evil stands no chance against his tiger style technique! Where’s Mr. Miyagi when you need him?

Hagrid Goes Hong Kong Phooey

Gong sounds announce the arrival of giant bearded rogue Hagrid, who roams ancient bamboo forests protecting magical creatures with his iron fists and forbidden kung fu secrets learned from shadowy sects.

This prodigious powerhouse dishes out quite the seismic slam whenever dark forces threaten nature’s peace. Between mentorship duties nurturing baby dragons and thestrals, he remains ever alert confronting those disturbing harmony! Hiya!

Lucius Wields the Samurai Sword

Hellbent on reclaiming fallen honor, roaming ronin Lucius Malfoy sharpens his family katana awaiting vengeance behind an ominous oni mask. Underestimate this scowling swordsman at your own risk!

With career and clan name tarnished after failed conquests, only spilled blood can redeem his wretched reputation. The disgraced must walk lonely roads, they say…roads paved in fury fueled by justice!

Panda Warrior Diggory

Abandoned in childhood to wander misty highlands, this fabled panda whisperer Cedric masters mystic arts honing telepathic links with his roly-poly comrades.

Through acrobatics and mental connection achieving unprecedented Joy, he harnesses ancient harmonies between man and beast that defeat disorder. United, Panda and their human brother channel sifu secrets reserved only for the purest protectors.