Halloween House Decorations That Scared All the Neighbors

by Sarah Ford

Undoubtedly, Halloween is the spookiest time of the year. Americans go wild celebrating this festival of fear: There are parties with witches’ brew and little trick-or-treaters beg for candy in costume. But dressing up is not limited to clothing. Nay, there’s an entire activity dressing up the home! Some folks add jack-o-lanterns to the porch and call it a day. But an increasing number of tricksters are taking this challenge to the next level. Why not terrify and amuse the world, while you’re at it? From kooky to spooky, we’ve collected the houses that are going viral online. They’re not actually haunted, despite their horrifying exteriors. If you need your dark inspiration, we’ve got it. See the wildest Halloween decor, next!

Why, Hello There

After midnight, the world transforms into a dark mystery. It’s an eerie feeling, and not just from a lack of light. There are things that go bump in the night. If you’ve been walking alone, you’ve probably noticed a few oddities. Like this house, right here!

source: Reddit / Waffle_Runoff

That’s not a grin, ladies and gents. It’s a growl, and those eyes are looking right at you. You might be comforted to know this appeared in the neighborhood around Halloween. More than likely, it’s just decor — but to be safe, don’t approach the door.

The Cops Actually Came

This Texas home has been the subject of not one, but many police visits in recent years. The man who lives here is a Halloween lover, not a serial killer. He creates the most gruesome scenes we’ve ever seen. Strangers think it’s real!

source: Steven Novak / Instagram

Looking at the fake bodies and fake blood, we have to agree. It all looks incredibly realistic. Any sane person would call the authorities. For now, though, there’s no law against fake murder. Halloween wouldn’t be the same without it!

That’s Just Rude

There are still some standards of decency in society today. We all know it’s bad form to pull down our pants and show our butts to the world. This pumpkin man is ignoring all that. He’s mooning us in broad daylight!

source: WhatsRightWhatsLeft / Reddit

The best response to a move like this is to flash him right back. But it’s a holiday where tricks are encouraged. If it weren’t Halloween, we’d make a scene. Maybe this time it can slide. Just this once, though.

Zombie Knights of the Round Table

It’s been a while since we saw men riding around in armor. But once upon a time, knights did that to protect their kingdom. We’ve read there were fire-breathing dragons that flew around torching towns. Like this one, for example. It’s a blast from the past!

source: Reddit / chaos_ensued

This large, enchanted reptile sure is terrifying. And for some reason, this home only has zombies to protect it. They might be dressed the part, but we think they lack the courage. They’re already dead, anyway. Undead, to be precise!

She Transforms Houses into Horror

Officially, DIY has reached a new level. This house is a masterpiece by Christine McConnell, a Los Angeles–based artist and photographer. Understandably, her work keeps making the news. Christine learned renovation techniques from her parents. This is their home, by the way.

source: Instagram / christinehmcconnell

Long ago, they all fixed up this very house. How long did it take for Christine to give it new, scary life? It was quick, she explains: “It took about three solid days to create the pieces and decorate and then a full day to photograph it.”

Bob Ross, Back From the Dead Again

Millions enjoyed Bob Ross as a soft-spoken artist on local TV. He taught us how to paint lovely landscapes and shared a little wisdom along the way. Bob believed that in life, you need colors. How about in death?

source: Oscar Carrero

We’d say this Halloween display says yes. A skeletal version of Bob teaches undead students on the lawn. They mimic his techniques as best they can. Their eyeballs have long melted away, but hey — they have all the time in eternity to try.

Stranger Things Are in This Neighborhood

For years, Stranger Things was the breakaway hit on Netflix. The science fiction drama series lasted for five seasons and explored the weird, supernatural, and mysterious. Fans of the show will instantly recognize this Halloween replica. Truly, the look is unmistakable.

source: darth_melodious / Reddit

Back in season one, Joyce discovers she can communicate with her missing son, Will. This is achieved with Xmas lights and black painted letters. Thus, the wall was born. Throughout the seasons, the lights are used as indicators of paranormal activity. Neighbors loved this tribute!

An Ambulance Came With a Policeman

When you take a garbage bag and stuff it into a body shape, people notice. This Halloweener got a gruff knock on the door. He explained: “Woke up this morning to 6 cops, a fire truck, and an ambulance at my door because a passing car was concerned about the one Halloween decoration I neglected to take down.”

source: Reddit / MahatmaBlondhi

Neighbors were terrified and terrorized. They may have forgotten it was the creepiest time of the year. Luckily, no one was killed for this decor by the door. But when things look this realistic, you never know. Better safe than sorry!

These Jaws Aren’t Playing Around

We never expect to be eaten by the front porch. But if houses had teeth like this all the time, it is likely it would become a common concern. For Halloween, someone constructed a dental display. It’s a child chomper!

source: CaseByCase / Reddit

We count not one, but two rows of razor-sharp fangs. Some are longer and some are shorter, but all look deadly. We feel threatened just looking at them. We know it’s all in good fun. Still, we want to run!

A Creepy, Nightly Projection

Each and every night, this home transforms. The walls look ordinary by day. But when the moon rises, the ghosts come out to play. Here, they dance on the exterior walls. In this suburban setting, they’re terrifying. What exactly do they want?

source: YouTube / Holiday House Projections

Only they know for sure. All we can do is hope that they are friendly spirits. But that’s a best-case scenario. We’ve seen horror movies where that isn’t the situation. If all they say is boo, we will count ourselves lucky.

An Army of Skeletons Invade

Not everything stays buried, try as we might. When bones rise out of the ground and get active, it’s alarming. Here, not one, but seven skeletons are on a mission. For whatever reason, they are invading a local home. Make no bones about it!

source: Reddit / TheExecutioner-

We don’t know if has it something to do with Halloween. It is that time of year, and people decorate their houses in wild ways. But this looks realistic, and it could be more sinister. Run, don’t walk, from the walking dead!

Witch Please

Sometimes, traffic gets so bad you can only fly over it. For mere mortals, that’s impossible. But for the few who do use a broom to get around town, hazards await if you don’t pay attention. This old witch learned the hard way.

source: hunterschmidt0455772 / Imgur

Her broomstick has gone right through the wood, and her face is buried, too. As she whizzed around, she avoided most obstacles. But eventually, she flew smack into reality. In this case, that means a solid tree trunk. Oak, no less!

When the House Itself is Terrified

Allison Magee is the proud resident of this San Francisco home. In her city, masks were required on Halloween. We’re not talking about scary ones, this time. The city wanted medical masks in public. Obviously, Allison went farther than most.

source: Twitter / chinnski

She explains: “We always go big on Halloween, as we get hundreds of trick-or-treaters every year…This year, ghosts and witches don’t feel necessary, as we are actually living in the scariest of times. The mask is a simple and powerful way to make that point.”

That’s Just Gory

Wait a minute: Are those bloody body bags? If so, this is one of the most realistic Halloween displays we’ve seen. So much so, that we are not sure it’s really part of the holiday. Can someone call the police, just in case?

source: Staten Island Advance / YouTube

It’s inevitable, don’t worry. Every year, some folks just take things too far with the spook. At the same time, serial killers are actually out there. They are definitely involved in murder and mayhem. How’s a good citizen supposed to know the difference?

Ghostbusters is Who You Gonna Call

If your town is haunted, you’ll notice the infestation. We all know what you need to do, in that case: If there’s something strange in your neighborhood, you need to call your local Ghostbusters. If there’s something weird, and it don’t look good — same thing.

source: denrae- / Reddit

Here, we can see the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man has returned. We’re not experts in the paranormal, but even we can see he is as spooky as ever. This requires professional help. We’re all alone, we’re picking up the phone, and we’re calling the best.

Yet More Ungrateful Brats

Parents get to know their kids in stages. Some say the terrible twos are the worst phase. But as time goes on, that becomes debatable. The teens sure are challenging. Rebellion and moodiness become the norm, at least for a bit.

source: Reddit / Dilligaf_Bazinga

Experts have many suggestions to navigate these years. And although there are debates, this seems pretty extreme. Here, there’s been a Halloween massacre. Shockingly, mom and dad were involved. As we can see from the sign, they have no regrets. None at all!

The Terrifying Monster Next Door

Next door, there’s a frightful sight. A big, blue monster has taken over the entrance to a home. It appears to be Cookie Monster. C is for cookie, and that was always good enough for him. But now, he’s grown larger.

source: djeclipz / Reddit

Any child approaching for candy should think twice. If this monster has relocated, there’s a reason. His mouth is open wide and he expects you to walk through. We’re not about to do that, of course. We’re on to you, Cookie!

The Bony Yogis

Yoga is pretty mainstream nowadays. But it’s more than just fancy stretching in spandex. The practice actually dates back thousands of years. According to The Bhagavad Gita: ”Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”

source: Valerie Gow / Facebook

These gals have been on that journey for a while. By the looks of it, they have actually been doing it for thousands of years. Now, they’re just a bunch of bones. On Halloween, they fit right in. Inhale the future, exhale the past.

When the Landscapers Are Dead

When the undead come to garden, you let them do their thing. There’s no use changing their mind. They have a mission from the underworld, and they don’t take orders from you. Here, we see a new project employing skeletons.

source: Whoshabooboo / Reddit

Their work is backbreaking, but as bones, they died a long time ago. They have little to lose! One pulls the roots of a tree while the other tries to topple the trunk. We don’t know why they do what they do, but they are effective.

3,000 Pumpkins Every Year

If you’re American, you’ve carved a pumpkin. Jack-o-lanterns range from cute to scary, but they’re always full of goo. That’s doable on a small scale. But imagine if you had to carve 3,000. The Griffith family in West Virginia does exactly that, every single year.

source: Instagram / thewvcompany

This old home attracts locals and tourists alike. And how could it not? The amount of scooping and carving required takes serious manpower. With thousands of illuminated pumpkins, it’s hard to miss. It’s one-of-a-kind, nationwide. We bet Xmas is great, too!

Beware the Guillotine

Executions aren’t one size fits all, by any means. There are countless ways to end it all, and we don’t really have a favorite. This home clearly does, as you can see on the front steps. Watch out, trick or treaters!

source: Reddit / jbpawlak

Right near the entrance, there’s a blade waiting to chop you in half. Perhaps the first few victims didn’t notice the gleaming edge. But now that it’s covered in blood, it’s hard to miss. This Halloween, don’t make the same mistake. You’ve been warned!

This House Only Looks Friendly

There’s nothing like a fresh October stroll in the neighborhood. As we make our way down this street, we admire all the manicured lawns and wave to smiling residents. Now, we arrive at this house. It looks friendly, doesn’t it?

source: chocolate_babies / Reddit

Well, maybe not. It actually looks a little sinister, if we are honest with ourselves. Now that it’s close to Halloween, things are getting spooky around here. Cold, dead eyes and a menacing grin don’t exactly put us at ease. Don’t eat us — please?

The Police, Yet Again

This man decided to put a fake corpse on his front lawn. It’s Halloween, so that shouldn’t be a problem. As we can see, though, it instantly attracted negative attention. A neighbor has called the cops. They were pretty scared!

source: Capinron / Imgur

The officers have arrived and they can see it’s a joke. But we suspect they asked a few questions before they bought the story. This corpse is incredibly realistic. It could have been the work of a serial killer, hiding in plain sight.

The Bony Beatles

We all claim to love The Beatles. But some people go farther than claims. This local resident decided to incorporate the band into Halloween for the 50th Anniversary of the Abbey Road album. Released back in 1969, it’s a classic.

source: JLamb56 / Reddit

Here, we see Paul, John, Ringo, and George. They look more skeletal than usual. That’s because this is a Halloween display. As they walk, they sing. Here come the bones, little darling. Here come the bones, and we say: It’s alright, doo-doo-doo-doo.

And Now He Learned

In the old days, the wife did all the chores. From laundry to cooking, it was her role alone. It seems that the woman living here has strong, alternative views. Modern times mean modern marriages and this husband wouldn’t help with the dishes.

source: Reddit / intel_core_i5_2400

This husband obviously refused to get his hands dirty. As the dishes piled up, his wife began to plot. Now, he hangs as a Halloween display for all the town to see. It’s a little harsh, we think. But we also think he learned his lesson.

Summoning Satan With Friends

Children are our future. Kids say the darndest things. You’ve heard these phrases before. In general, we would like to think that the children in our community are innocent. In horror movies, we see otherwise. But that’s all for entertainment. Isn’t it?

source: MapleGlazedMoose / Reddit

By the looks of these youngsters, maybe not. We couldn’t help but notice the way they play. Wearing sheets, they hold hands and dance around the fire. They are chanting strange ideas. Some might assume they are trying to summon the devil. That assumption might not be wrong.

Yes, It Is a Decoration

Every year, Americans are victims of homicide thousands of times. It’s a sad fact, but it’s a reality that detectives know well. Here, we see four dead bodies on a lawn. It’s the end of October, which complicates any investigation.

source: dovesondoves / Reddit

The first rule of a crime scene is to leave everything untouched. You need to see the original evidence. These bodies may tell a story from beyond the grave. They also might be Halloween fakes, fooling everyone into a fright.

Call the Exterminator

Spiders inspire intense fear and disgust. From their legs to their webs, people truly despise these creatures. Killing them is considered acceptable, even desirable. But we can’t entirely escape them, and on Halloween, arachnophobia gets that much worse. Check out this big bug!

source: mzol14 / Reddit

This spider scaled the exterior of the building until it found a resting spot. Now, it is perfectly positioned to pounce on anyone entering or exiting the home. We’re not sure if spiders normally pounce. But this one is so big that it merits the verb.

The Scariest Thing of All

Married couples take a classic vow at the start: Til death do us part. How often do they really stick around? Not often enough, these days. Commitment is scary, but so is divorce. On Halloween, this home decided to honor the terrifying tradition.

source: Dougie Gray / Facebook

We can see that a bride and groom stand together on the lawn. They don’t look as happy as you would expect on the biggest day of their lives. Hopefully, the love will last for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health. 

On A Scale of 10, This Stranger Things Display is an ELEVEN

If you’re not already a fan of the famous Netflix series, this Halloween display will still turn your world upside down.

source: Reddit / u/Triumph-TBird

Even in broad daylight, the ropes used to create this levitation trick are practically invisible. At night and with lights, the high production value is probably even more evident. 

Even the Undead Need a Designated Hearst Driver

It seems even skeletons aren't immune to having a bit too much witches brew on Halloween. These two upright skeletons are taking the responsible route and taking care of their passed-out pal. 

Using the coffin as a makeshift stretcher, they're making sure their friend gets home safely after overdoing it at the monster mash.

Purge-Themed Decorations That Are Criminally Creative

This homeowner clearly took inspiration from the horror film franchise for their outdoor Halloween decor. With creepy masks and bloody weapons on display, it's a perfect encapsulation of the movie's lawless premise.

source: Reddit / u/danz107

The warning sign sets the scene, while the realistic details add a terrifying touch. It's a decoration sure to thrill and chill trick-or-treaters.

Wicked Interpretation of The Wizard of Oz

Dorothy and her friends from Oz get a dark makeover in this haunted house display. The Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion have been transformed into sinister versions of their former selves.

source: Reddit / u/sparklingsour

Each character is instantly recognizable, making the twisted take on the classic tale beautifully bone-chilling for Halloween. There's no place like home...unless your house is haunted!

Where There's Smoke, There's a Fire Haunted House

This house takes the idea of being "smokin' hot" to ghoulish new heights. Glowing eyes and grinning teeth surround the exterior, while a smoke machine billows "breath" from the fiery facade after dark.

source: Reddit / u/RAWRthur

It's a tongue-in-cheek display that creatively transforms an ordinary house into a spooky creature. The use of smoke and lighting adds fun theatricality, sure to delight trick-or-treaters.

Scary Sight on the Vegas Strip

The Sphere sculpture outside the Venetian is transformed into a larger-than-life jack-o-lantern for Halloween. With triangular eyes and nose carved out and lit up orange, this Vegas landmark gets a seasonal makeover.

source: Reddit / u/Redeye007

The giant pumpkin head looming over the Strip makes for an attention-grabbing and Instagrammable sight. It's a clever way to work a bit of Halloween spirit into the glitzy neon jungle.

The Shrub Got a Halloween Costume

When life gives you strange shrubs, make spooky Halloween lemonade! This homeowner embraced an unruly bush in their yard by turning it into a hairy green monster. 

source: Reddit / u/CatVideoFest

Googly eyeballs and fangs added to the foliage bring the bush to life. It's a fun, inexpensive way to get extra mileage out of your landscaping. Kids will get a kick out of the silly.

Halloween at Hogwarts

The wizarding world gets a magical makeover for Halloween in this display. Skeletal versions of Harry, Hermione, and Ron recreate an iconic scene, while a bony Quidditch match carries on nearby. 

source: Reddit / u/cassielite

The creepy take on favorite characters and activities from Hogwarts adds a nice touch of whimsy. It's the perfect scene for Harry Potter fans ready to celebrate a spooky holiday, wizard-style.

Afterlife in Plastic, It's Fantastic

In an iconic reference to the recent Barbie movie, this homeowner gave the dolls a ghoulish makeover. Barbie, Ken, and Allen have all been transformed into skeletons. 

source: Reddit / u/gally8867

If that wasn’t ken-ough, a sign also shows that this Malibu dream haunted house is now a nightmarish Mojo Dojo Casa House. 

From Balcony to Boo-lcony

No yard? No problem! This dedicated apartment renter turns their balcony into a festive Halloween destination. It may be a small space, but it's decked to the max with ghostly lights, eerie decorations, and themed touches on the railing.

source: Reddit / u/carlosboshell

Though many of the homes on this list are large and over the top, this serves as proof that a little creativity can transform even the tiniest of areas into something spook-tacular.

Baby Doll Body Bag Brigade

This morbid scene features a line of over twenty baby dolls passing along body bags as if on an assembly line. Their innocent, youthful appearance contrasts creepily with the macabre task at hand. 

Are they preparing for a sacrifice or just playing an unconventional game? Either way, it makes for an unsettling display sure to give trick-or-treaters goosebumps. The uniformity of their outfits and actions adds to the eeriness.

Wraith Wreath

This vibrant floral wreath gets a haunting upgrade for Halloween. Nestled within the bright pink and white blooms are eerie touches like a telephone, butcher's knife, and the iconic Ghostface mask from Scream. 

source: Reddit / u/valannjo

The contrast between the cheerful flowers and creepy props amps up the visual interest. It's a creative way to work subtle spookiness into a traditional wreath design.

Haunting the Streets

This festive Jeep proves you can take the haunted house on the road! A giant skeleton rides shotgun while regular skeletons pile into the backseat.

source: Reddit / u/LeroyHobbes

Decked out in orange lights, the vehicle brings the Halloween spirit cruising through the neighborhood. It's a moveable decoration perfect for spreading seasonal joy and frights. The skeletons' silly poses add a playful touch.

Rose From The Grave

Love blooms eternally in this elegant Halloween display. A skeleton cradles a heart, adorned with gorgeous roses and a flower crown. The juxtaposition of symbols of death and romance makes for a beautifully bittersweet scene.

source: Reddit / u/objectivegiant

It's a haunting reminder to cherish each moment. The delicate florals contrast with the skeleton's skeletal frame for a visually striking look.

Bone Appetit

This skeleton dinner party is serving up frights and delights. Under an eerie black chandelier, a well-dressed skeleton in a top hat sits at the head of a garden table set for guests. 

Though the meals may be imaginary, the atmosphere created is hauntingly perfect for Halloween. It's a scene that cleverly plays on the "dead man's dinner party" tradition with a skeletal twist.

Yup, It’s Tiger King

Carole Baskin and Joe Exotic made reality TV great again on Tiger King. What was the draw? Joe explained: “People don’t come to see the tigers; they come to see me. This is my way of living, and nobody’s gonna tell me otherwise.”

source: Instagram / kerryanzenbergerdove

That idea holds true here, on Halloween. You’re here to see the Tiger King himself. Joe and Carole are featured as skeletons with familiar clues. The leopard top and handlebar mustache are unmistakable. This time, though, the duo is considerably more dead.