Durian: The Stinkiest Fruit on the Planet

Hey there, adventurous eaters. Ever heard of durian? It’s a fruit native to Southeast Asia with a unique characteristic its strange and pungent smell. Some folks just can’t handle it, so much so that in certain places, it’s banned from being consumed or transported in public. For those who love it, durian is considered a delicacy. But seriously, it reeks!

Sweet like feet

Durian has a strong odor that can be described as a mixture of sweet and savory scents, with a hint of sulfur. Some people compare the smell to rotting onions or stale cheese, while others find it to be a sweet, nutty fragrance. This can vary from mild to overpowering. Yikes!

So what’s the reason for its stinky scent? Durian’s odor is a result of a combination of compounds, including sulfur-containing compounds and volatile organic compounds. These compounds can vary in their concentration and combination across different durian varieties, which ultimately affects its overall odor. Here, that’s the science.

Go find it, if you dare

If we haven’t scared you off yet, Durian can be found in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and India. If you’re curious to try it, you can check specialty stores or markets that sell Asian or tropical fruits. You can also try international or Asian supermarkets, or ask around at your local farmer’s market or farm. Just keep in mind that durian is a seasonal fruit, so availability may vary based on where you live. Good luck, you crazy foodie!

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